by Dani Williamson | Jun 2, 2023 | detox, Gut, Inflammation, Live Talk
It’s not a question of do you have parasites? It’s HOW MANY PARASITES DO I HAVE? Fatigue, bloating, food sensitivities, insomnia, anxiety etc. can all be a symptoms of...
by Dani Williamson | Jun 2, 2023 | detox, Inflammation, Live Talk
Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Adding in faith, functional medicine and resilience take the healing even further. Check out Dr Carnahan’s new book...
by Dani Williamson | Mar 27, 2023 | Chronic Disease, Inflammation, Live Talk
Methylene Blue has many uses: It may help with energy, clarity, focus, motivation, brain health, memory, protection against viruses, depression and SO much...
by Tera Broaddrick | Mar 15, 2023 | Inflammation
Do you have to be your genetics? Simply because your mom or dad has cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure…do you have to as well? Dr Lenzi breaks down genetics and what it means for all...
by Dani Williamson | Feb 9, 2023 | Inflammation, Live Talk
We are a nation of empty vessels. No room for error, no margin or breathing room in our lives. What do you do to fill up your vessel, care for yourself and recharge your...
by Dani Williamson | Nov 28, 2022 | Inflammation, Live Talk, Sunday Night Service
Saunas have been used for thousands of years in all forms. The power of sweating is undeniable. We detox through the skin. Inflammation, fatigue, joint pain, weight loss, mold toxicity, Lyme Disease, autoimmune disease etc. can all benefit from the healing power of a...