Pelvic Floor Health 101

You Do NOT have to live with pelvic floor pain, dysfunction, urinary leakage or painful sex. Jana Danielson creator of the Cooch Ball discusses pelvic floor health and wellness. Click the link below to check out her product on our online store:...

Do You Know What is REALLY in Your Skincare?

Do NOT be fooled with greenwashing and words that appear to be clean, organic, natural, non-toxic etc. There are VERY FEW companies that actually do NOT use toxic or banned chemicals that Europe has banned. Crunchi is ONE of the FEW, if not the ONLY skincare line that...
Self-Care: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

Self-Care: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

What is self -care? It’s a big buzz word now as the millennials are all about practicing self-care. Self-care has become a 10 billion dollar industry worldwide. I personally had never even heard of the term until the past few years. Now, everywhere we turn, there are...
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