While in church on the last day of 2017, I heard God speak to me a word for 2018. I must admit that I have never really had a word spoken to me for the new year. I had goosebumps during praise and worship when I felt the word INSPIRE rain over me like cool, clean water. I immediately went home from church and looked up the true definition of INSPIRE.

  1. to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration; to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on; to spur on: impel, motivate.
  2. an archaic: to breathe or blow into or upon; to infuse (something, such as life) by breathing; to draw forth or bring out thoughts
  3. inhale

I want to INSPIRE not only myself, but my children, the patients who put their trust in me daily to lead them in the direction they need for health and healing, my family, friends, employees at Integrative Family Medicine and all of those that watch the videos, read the blogs and follow us on social media. I want to be human, humble and honest as we take on 2018 TOGETHER. 

I want to meditate on the word INSPIRE daily as I navigate the world of being a single mother to two college aged adults (whom I have raised alone for nearly 15 years). I want to mediate on the word INSPIRE as the owner of a medical practice that is growing. I want to INSPIRE and influence others as a woman entrepreneur of not only a medical practice but a supplement retail store as well. I want to INSPIRE others to take chances and step out of the boat and walk on water if they are unhappy in their current job, life, relationships, mindset or busyness.  I want to INSPIRE others to set boundaries and realize that they are worth being first and taking care of themselves, all the while practicing self-care and rejuvenation. I want to INSPIRE others to REFILL THEIR VESSELS! I want to teach them to recognize that you can’t pour into others from an empty vessel.

I want to INSPIRE others that believe they are too old, too young or too set in their ways to make the changes that are needed emotionally, spiritually, mentally, sexually, physically and professionally to live the live the God intended for them to live. I am proof that at 40-years-old,  one can step out of the boat and make a career change, and at 49-years-old step out again in faith and open her own medical practice. I want to INSPIRE others to take chances, live life and have the courage to say NO and set boundaries.

If I die this year or in 50 years, I want my life celebration to filled with stories of how I helped INSPIRE others. I want to be the INSPIRATION someone needs to get up and get going to make the changes needed to live their best life. I want generations to be changed by the INSPIRATION I may have given someone to take control of their health, take control of their career, take control of their marriage, take control of their children etc. I am not sure what it will take for me to daily meditate on the true meaning of INSPIRE, but what I do know is when God tells you something, he equips you as well to get the job done!

Happy New Year to you! I am honored to be your Nurse Practitioner, friend, mother, daughter, cousin, employer, neighbor etc. I am asking each and everyone of you to hold me accountable to my goal this year.  As each of you INSPIRE me in separate ways, I too hope I can do the same in 2018 and beyond for you.  I hope 2018 brings each of us the love, luck and laughter we deserve!

You can start 2018 the way many of my patients are with a 10 Day Detox. A fresh start physically might be just what you need!
