On this Sunday Night Service with Dani Williamson: Cancer and Life Coach Lori Marini offers her support to Nashville Storm Victims even after she lost her home in the tornado. She is giving back to those in need.
After losing her own home by the Nashville tornado, Lori is looking to give back to the community by offering complimentary 30-minute coaching sessions to anyone affected and in the midst of recovering from the storm. Supporting the community in guiding them to make the small changes for a healthy mindset, nutrition, and lifestyle while trying to get their lives back to normal.
Lori Marini Coaching is a certified Life and Cancer Coach who wants to provide a Complimentary Coaching session for Nashvillian’s affected by the storm so you can back on track to living your great life! Coach Lori wants to support you in areas of life that are important to you and your health such as reducing stress, keeping a positive mindset, and staying on track with nutrition especially when choices may be limited.