On this Sunday Night Service with Dani Williamson: Do you or someone you love have cancer? Does the thought of getting cancer horrify you? Have you ever realized that you turn cancer on… you were not born with breast, ovarian, lung, bone or any other cancer. Do you believe you can set your body up to fight off any cancer that tries to attack you?

Dr. Nasha Winters was diagnosed with State IV ovarian cancer at age 19 and given a few months to live. She is alive and well decades later due to changing her TERRAIN! She is now one of the leaders in the world on attacking cancer form the inside out! Her book The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is hands down one of the best books I have ever read. If you or someone you love is battling cancer or has had cancer, this Sunday Night Service will be what you have been looking for.

Read an excerpt below from her website: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a thought-provoking book that helps you understand why cancer and its treatment are not a one-size-fits-all, not to mention how lifestyle choices play an integral part in our health and sickness. It emphasizes how to lead to health lifestyle and arm your body with the tools it needs to avoid or fight off illness, rather than just suffer from it. So, if you are interested in exploring the healing powers of nutrition or are looking to turn over every stone as you explore cancer-treatment options, you’ll get a lot of proverbial food for thought from this book and its cited literature, research, and real-life anecdotes. Please check her out at www.drnasha.com and sign up for her incredible newsletter she sends out. Don’t forget we are designed to heal our bodies, and her program is spot on. She teaches everything I talk about daily: eating well, sleeping well, moving well, pooping well, decreasing stress and cultivation community are just a part of what she dives into.

More at: https://www.drnasha.com

